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Sisecam Climax is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Climax is preferred in residential, small/medium sized commercial buildings. Sisecam Climax reduces heat loss from windows by 77% compared to single glazing, 50% compared to ordinary Insulating Glazing Unit (IGU) and provides savings from heating expenses. Advantages: High surface resistance Reduces heat loss by 50% compared to ordinary insulating glass units Provides heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Eliminates cold spots close to window and condensation on glass surface Protects against UV radiation over 68%, reducing fading and aging effects
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Low-E Glass is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Low-E Glass is preferred in residential, small/medium sized commercial buildings. Sisecam Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 77% compared to single glazing, 50% compared to ordinary Insulating Glazing Unit (IGU) and provides savings from heating expenses. Advantages High surface resistance Reduces heat loss by 50% compared to ordinary insulating glass units Provides heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Eliminates cold spots close to window and condensation on glass surface Protects against UV radiation over 68%, reducing fading and aging effects
Low-E Glass
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 80/64 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 80/64; is preferred in residences, commercial buildings and cold climates areas where high light transmission and low reflection are needed; also provides ideal solutions for triple glazing units. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU and provides savings from heating expenses. Tempered heat control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat control glass. Advantages: Heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 80/64
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Extra Clear 80/64 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Extra Clear 80/64; is preferred in residences, commercial buildings and cold climates areas where high light transmission and low reflection are needed; also provides ideal solutions for triple glazing units. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU and provides savings from heating expenses. Tempered heat control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat control glass. Advantages: Heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Low-E Glass Extra Clear 80/64
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Climax Neutral 80/64 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Climax Neutral 80/64; provides solutions for residential and small/medium sized commercial building where thermal insulation and low reflection are required. Sisecam Climax Neutral 80/64 reduces heat loss from windows by 77% compared to single glazing, 50% compared to ordinary Insulating Glazing Unit (IGU) and provides savings from heating expenses. Advantages: High surface resistance Reduces heat loss by 50% compared to ordinary insulating glass units Provides heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Eliminates cold spots close to window and condensation on glass surface Protects against UV radiation over 68%, reducing fading and aging effectsSisecam Climax Neutral 80/64 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Climax Neutral 80/64; provides solutions for residential and small/medium sized commercial building where thermal insulation and low reflection are required. Sisecam Climax Neutral 80/64 reduces heat loss from windows by 77% compared to single glazing, 50% compared to ordinary Insulating Glazing Unit (IGU) and provides savings from heating expenses. Advantages: High surface resistance Reduces heat loss by 50% compared to ordinary insulating glass units Provides heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Eliminates cold spots close to window and condensation on glass surface Protects against UV radiation over 68%, reducing fading and aging effects
Climax Neutral 80/64
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Neutral 80/64 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Neutral 80/64; is preferred in residences, commercial buildings and cold climates areas where high light transmission and low reflection are needed; also provides ideal solutions for triple glazing units. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU and provides savings from heating expenses. Tempered heat control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat control glass. Advantages: Heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Low-E Glass Neutral 80/64
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 62/44 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 62/44; is preferred in residential buildings, schools, small/medium-sized commercial buildings where thermal insulation and solar control are required. Insulating Glass Units which are manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 77% compared to single glazing, 50% compared to ordinary Double Glazing Unit (DGU). Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40% compared to ordinary DGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Advantages: High surface resistance Reduces heat loss by 50%, solar energy transmission by 40% compared to ordinary insulating glass units Decreases heating and cooling expenses Provides natural daylight and transparency Reduces condensation on glass surface Eliminates cold spots and hot spots close to windows Protects against UV radiation over 75%, reducing fading and aging effects
Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 62/44
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Extra Clear 71/53 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Extra Clear 71/53; provides solution for residences, commercial buildings (office, hotel, shopping mall, airport and etc.), skylights and conservatories where transparency and low reflection are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU and provides savings from heating expenses. Tempered heat control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat control glass. Advantages: Heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Low-E Glass Extra Clear 71/53
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 71/53 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 71/53; provides solution for residences, commercial buildings (office, hotel, shopping mall, airport and etc.), skylights and conservatories where transparency and low reflection are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU and provides savings from heating expenses. Tempered heat control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat control glass. Advantages: Heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 71/53
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Neutral 71/53 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat control glass. Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass Neutral 71/53; provides solution for residences, commercial buildings (office, hotel, shopping mall, airport and etc.), skylights and conservatories where transparency and low reflection are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Temperable Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU and provides savings from heating expenses. Tempered heat control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat control glass. Advantages: Heat control and energy efficiency Decreases heating expenses Does not compromise on natural daylight and transparency Ensures maximum benefit from solar heat Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Low-E Glass Neutral 71/53
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Deep Blue 40/28 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Deep Blue 40/28; is preferred in skylights and residence projects where daylight control, more efficient solar control and blue color effect on façade are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Deep Blue 40/28
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 50/33 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 50/33; provides solutions for offices, hotels and hospitals where optimum daylight transmission and efficient solar control are necessary. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Neutral 50/33
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 58/32 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 58/32; is preferred in residences, offices and commercial buildings where high light transmission and efficient solar control are necessary. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and more efficient solar control with a single coating Different color choices on façade for different projects Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 58/3...
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 58/32 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 58/32; is preferred in residences, offices and commercial buildings where high light transmission and efficient solar control are necessary. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and more efficient solar control with a single coating Different color choices on façade for different projects Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Extra Clear 58/3...
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 62/44 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 62/44; provides solutions for residences and education complexes where high light transmission is needed. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Neutral 62/44
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 51/28 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 51/28; is preferred in offices, hospitals and hotels where optimum light transmission and maximum solar control are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and more efficient solar control with a single coating Different color choices on façade for different projects Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Extra Clear 51/2...
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 51/28 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 51/28; is preferred in offices, hospitals and hotels where optimum light transmission and maximum solar control are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and more efficient solar control with a single coating Different color choices on façade for different projects Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Neutral 51/28
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 50/33 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 50/33; provides solutions for offices, hotels and hospitals where optimum daylight transmission and efficient solar control are necessary. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Extra Clear 50/3...
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 50/33 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 50/33; provides solutions for offices, hotels and hospitals where optimum daylight transmission and efficient solar control are necessary. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Ultra Clear 50/3...
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 70/40 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 70/40; provides solutions for residences, villas and store front glazing where high light transmission, low reflection and neutral effect are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and more efficient solar control with a single coating Different color choices on façade for different projects Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Neutral 70/40
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 62/44 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 62/44; provides solutions for residences and education complexes where high light transmission is needed. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Extra Clear 62/4...
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 43/28 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Extra Clear 43/28; is preferred in skylights or warm climate areas where daylight control and efficient solar protection are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments
Temperable Solar Low-E Glass Extra Clear 43/2...
Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.ŞSisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 43/28 is Sisecam Flat Glass’ heat and solar control glass. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 43/28; is preferred in skylights or warm climate areas where daylight control and efficient solar protection are required. Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) manufactured with Sisecam Solar Control Low-E Glass reduces heat loss from windows by 50% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore effective heat insulation in winter is provided and heating expenses are reduced. It also decreases solar energy transmission by 40-65% compared to ordinary IGU. Therefore it keeps cooler in summer and cooling expenses are reduced. Tempered heat and solar control glass is approximately 5 times more durable than annealed heat and solar control glass. Advantages: Heat and solar control with a single coating Different performance choices for different applications Decreases heating and cooling expenses Approximately five times stronger than annealed glass against impact Minimum risk of injury; when broken it shatters into small, blunt edged fragments